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HOME > Collaboration


Chiesi is committed to collaborative working that either enhances patient care, is for the benefit of patients, or alternatively must benefit the NHS and as a minimum maintain patient care.

We are interested in collaborating with eligible organisations to support projects that pool the skills and resources of Chiesi, healthcare organisations and other organisations so patients and/or the NHS benefits.

When we collaborate, we so do in an open and transparent manner. All projects are reviewed in accordance with the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice and considered against our internal Collaborative Working Policy.

Before we start any collaborative working project we commit to publishing an executive summary of the collaborative working agreement on this webpage. We also encourage the organisations we are collaborating with to do the same.

Within six months of project completion, we, along with the organisations we are collaborating with, will publish the outcomes so that NHS organisations and others can learn from and potentially replicate.

If you want to discuss a collaborative working project with Chiesi, please click on this link with your suggestion and we will aim to respond within 5 working days.

Collaborative working projects 

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Grants and Donations

Chiesi is also committed to supporting projects and activities which enhance patient care, or benefit the NHS and maintain patient care, through our grants and donations programme.

A grant or donation is provided to eligible organisations to support specific, time-limited projects or programmes with identified objectives, without tangible benefit to Chiesi. Submissions are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis.

More information, along with the application process for grants or donations, can be found on the Chiesi Medical website https://www.chiesimedical.co.uk/medical-grants-donations.

UK-CHI-2400844 October 2024